The social media platforms including the popular cross platform mobile messaging service, WhatsApp went into a tizzy on Sunday with leaked nude images and videos of actor Preeti Gupta being circulated widely. According to the reports, leaked videos and images feature  Preeti Gupta’s “nude scenes” and “lesbian kissing scenes” from a banned film called Unfreedom. The film was banned last month by the censor boards of India for having explicit sexual content and has not been released anywhere. The hackers/leakers seemed to somehow accessed the films and leaked nude and kissing scenes of the actress which have gone viral after being leaked. Unfreedom is a lesbian love story, reportedly based on Faiz Ahmad Faiz’s poem, Ye Dagh Dagh Ujala. Preeti Gupta is a famous Indian TV actress who has played a role in TV soap opera called Kahani Ghar Ghar Kii. In the TV serial, Preeti had played a the character of an ideal Indian daughter, which is a paradox to her role in Unfreedom. When reached out to comment on the leaks, Preeti Gupta expressed her rage about the nude leaks but seemed more angry about her film getting banned. The actress told to a Delhi-based English daily that, “It’s true that the actors are vulnerable, and I am actually very angry about it. It’s bizarre and a violation of privacy. It’s not cool, and if there is anything to be banned, it’s such kind of things.” Describing about her film, Preeti says that its about “how homosexuality prevails in the lower class and middle class.” Preeti further expressed more anger about the film getting banned in India and questioned the censors as to “why should anything be banned ? Don’t you trust the audience’s intelligence ? One needs to watch the film to get the message, no ?” Earlier this year, leaked shower images and a video clip from her short film had Radhika Apte feature on the social media including WhatsApp.