While trying to access the website, most of the time the URL returned  the message ‘Unavailable’ while some times if by luck someone was able to access the website he she was not able to view the content and could only see the Title bar and labels on the top, as shown in the above screenshot. The hacker group which is believed to carry out the attack and is actively posting on the Facebook page ‘Indonesian Security Down Team’, Posted the website is down for more than 90% and rest 10% should be down in few hours, the group also urged their fans to fasten the DDOS attack.
It seems like Indonesian Security Down Team will be able to bring the website completely down. as they did few days back with official website of Australian secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) website before that Indonesian hackers were able to deface more than 170 websites from Australia As of now The website seems down from many places.

 OpAustralia  The Royal Australian Air Force Official website Brought down by Indonesian hackers    TechWorm - 55