As a result, Niantic, “Pokemon Go” developer, recently announced that cheaters could get permanently banned if they are caught cheating. Nonetheless, there are other hacks that could prevent users, for instance for iPhone owners, from getting noticed, but that is through jailbreaking their devices first. Dubbed as the “ultimate” “Pokémon Go” iPhone hack and shared by ValueWalk allows the player to go walk anywhere without actually leaving your house if they strictly follow the recommended instructions. You need to uninstall the current “Pokémon Go” app on your device, according to ValueWalk. You will then need to install three files from the “Pokémon Go” hack website as illustrated. Then, the player will have to install the files of their device to a computer, change a single setting, and complete the process. However, there is one particular catch in this hack, the Pokemon Go players who resort to using this hack have to self-sign/trust the app, which only lasts for a week. Since, the self-signed certificate expires within seven days, you will require to repeat the self-signing procedure every week. Check out the video tutorial created by YouTuber iCrackUriDevice for complete instruction on how you use this iPhone hack to your advantage.